Tuesday, 22 August 2017



Well, I haven't done that many reviews in a while, so I might as well do a review of a film everyone goes nuts for. Speed is generally considered one of the best action films of the nineties, but I don't really see why. 

One thing that I will give the film credit for is the scenario, a bus needs to go above a general speed otherwise it will explode. That scenario should create a lot of tension and suspense (and before you say anything, tension is not the same as suspense). But I find that it lasts way too long and gets rather boring after a while. The ways that it tries to maintain the tension all just come out in ridiculous fashion. Like going over an unfinished bridge that has a 50ft gap. I know that action films are meant to be high octane and unrealistic like that but I feel that the film took great lengths to be as realistic as possible. For example, a passenger tries to get off the bus and explodes and gets crushed under the wheel. They even say it in the news reports to try and hammer that fact into you. Also the performances are not that memorable, Keanu Reeves is still more wooden than a tree and Sandra Bullock didn't stand out for me. The only one who did was Dennis Hopper as the mad bomber. He is just so persistent and motivated that you end up slightly rooting for him. 

In conclusion, this is a case of a film that I don't like but everyone else does. I did find it enjoyable in parts but when it comes to action films, I tend to find the whole film memorable. Like Independence Day, Die Hard and John Wick, those are memorable films with quotable lines. This one only has "Pop quiz, hotshot". 

I am giving this a 5.5/10

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